{"name":"Truth AIDOGE-AIDO","description":"Truth AIDOGE is ArbDoge.AI's PFP NFT collection. It consists of 10,000 AIDoge avatars with different styles, occupations and personalities.Truth AIDOGE is AI artwork. 500 NFTs of them are AI artworks co-created by community members. Truth AIDOGE NFT is the genesis NFT collection, which is the foundation of future NFT collections. 50% of the royalties go to Truth AIDOGE holders. AIDO NFT Mystery Boxes that are not sold will be destroyed.","image":"https://static.arbdoge.ai/nft/14a565682e2018b86277fe7c19a95fd1.jpg","external_url":"https://arbdoge.ai","attributes":[{"trait_type":"career","value":"Collab Gems"}],"background_color":"#FFFFFF"}